Take the next step in your technical diving journey and join us to become a CCR diver.
Rebreathers are great tools for tech divers. You can dive deeper, stay longer, decompress less, and carry less weight. But they are just tools, and just as a knife may be used in multiple ways, such as to cut a slab of cheese, or to scrape dirt from beneath your fingernails, rebreathers can be used in multiple ways as well.
What sorts of things do you like to do? Deep Wrecks? Cave? Longer if not deeper? Swim off the beach or lakeshore to dive? Take underwater photographs of fish? Travel to exotic locations like Palau or Grand Cayman? A rebreather might help you in these activities, but at a certain cost…
First of all, rebreathers are a considerable investment; 8,000- 10,000 with training.
Rebreathers are more complex pieces of equipment and are not as simple as open circuit gear, at least at this time. Expect to spend more time preparing and maintaining a rebreather. You also will require more frequent diving compared to open circuit scuba to remain practiced and skilled on a rebreather.
There are also more ways to hurt yourself on a rebreather. These are generally avoidable, but that requires practice, knowledge and diligence.
Rebreathers require additional training. The course we teach takes 5-7 days, depending on the unit and how you, as a student, demonstrate competence in the water.
The bottom line is that rebreathers, like snorkels and open circuit scuba, are tools. You need to select the tool that is right for you.
If you only do one 45-minute dive in a weekend, and are happy with that, then using a rebreather for shore diving probably is of no real benefit. If you are happy shooting macro photographs of kelp, nudibranchs, corals, and gorgonians you probably do not need a rebreather. But if you want to spend hours in the water, or shoot shy fish or even shyer macro critters, perhaps a rebreather is a tool you should consider using. Weigh all the options, the benefits and the costs, and then decide for yourself. After all, who better to decide for you than you? CONTACT US, and we will send you all the info and prerequisites for the courses.
We currently offer courses on 3 units, Triton CCR, the JJ-CCR and the Divesoft Liberty, through Thomas Louvradoux (Triton) and Matt Jevon (JJ-CCR and Divesoft Liberty Sidemount.
The Triton 2.0 CCR
Unlike other rebreathers, the TRITON is chest mounted. This characteristic allows it great adaptation capacity, (twinset, sidemount and even single tank for recreational divers)
The rebreather consists of a Kevlar® bag protecting the Counter-lungs and a 2.1 kg filter of lime.
Breathing hoses are made of clear blue silicone with an anti-bacterial treatment.
The tip (DSV) has been designed to be lightweight in the mouth and easily handled. All plastic parts are manufactured in POM-C.
The connections developed by M3S on the basis of a clip system guarantee proper assembly. As long as the connection is not fully engaged, it is impossible to put the clip in place. It is also impossible to reverse connectors, a dual keying system.
The 1.5L oxygen cylinder is attached to it under the bag.
3 oxygen sensors allow the analysis of the breathing gas. They are placed in a removable chamber which is inserted into the inhalation counterlung.
The TRITON is fitted as standard with a PpO2 display controlling a HUD. As an option, the Petrel 3 computer or the Nerd 2 from Shearwater can be integrated.
With its 12.2 kg ready to dive ** the TRITON is the lightest rebreather and the 7 kg ready to travel *** makes it the rebreather of choice for the travelling diver.
CCR M3S Triton Course 270 €/ day (Sofmolime and helium not included)
CCR M3S Triton Try dive 150 € (Everything included)
Rental of a M3S Triton for a course 80 €/ day (50% is refunded if unit is bought at the end)
Air Diluent Minimum 5 days
Air Deco/Helitrox Minimum 6 days
A little bit about Matt:
Diving since 1989 Matt is an instructor qualified and experienced in diving and teaching new starters to CCR, through to full hypoxic mixed gas courses to 100m+.Matt is a JJ-CCR and Divesoft Liberty Sidemount instructor and dealer.
Matt teaches Full Cave OC and CCR, Full Trimix OC and CCR and engages in as much expedition and fun diving as he does teaching. You get to learn from Matt’s experiences as well as the course standards. Matt teaches for TDI and ANDI through GOZOTECHNICALDIVING and his own 5 star TDI dive centre and ANDI facility in Kinsale, Ireland, South West Technical Diving (www.swt.ie).
Matt teaches in some amazing dive centres around the world on request, but has a special place in his heart for Gozotechnicaldiving. He authors a Facebook page, Psychological skills for diving and works outside of diving in high performance sport and business. A certified Deco nerd, you can be certain of access to the very latest in safe and best decompression practice. Trained and assessed as a diver and instructor by some of the world’s best, Matt aims in his teaching to pass on these experiences in diving and high performance environments, into your CCR training.
Matt’s personal diving has included cave exploration in the Philippines, wreck projects in Croatia and Ireland as well as running expeditions to Truk, Bikini and more.
Teaching locations are: Gozo/Malta, Egypt, Canary Islands, Croatia, France, Worldwide by arrangement.
Qualifications: TDI Advanced Mixed Gas Instructor CCR, ANDI Expedition Level 5 Hypoxic Gas Instructor, TDI Full Cave Instructor, ANDI L5 CCR Cave Instructor. Hypoxic Trimix instructor OC. Cave and Tech DPV instructor
Our aim for the future is to offer a wider range of rebreathers. Stay tuned!
Coming soon: KISS Sidewinder 2.0
Price is charged per day : cost is 250 euros, Overhead environment 275 euros plus 18% VAT
Sofnolime and Helium are not included in the price, (student and Instructor)
MOD 1: 6-7 days
MOD 2: 5 days
MOD 3: 7 days
Crossover is 2-4 days depending on the level.
JJ-CCR unit price: 7960 euros + shipping 100 euros
JJ-CCR unit rental price: 400 for the all course, and 200 euros if you buy the unit at the end of the course
Liberty Sidemount unit price: 9100 excluded VAT and Shipping. Price might vary depending on options.
If you are interested in becoming CCR diver CONTACT US, and we will send you all the info and prerequisites for the courses.